Proactive Approach of Nursing Homes to Defend ZPIC Audits
The ZPIC Audits can reveal nursing homes to compensation requests, federal prosecutions and denial of future Medicare payments that can bring you to criminal penalties and civil fines. If you are handling a nursing home and has been contacted by a ZPIC, it is necessary for you to seek for a ZPIC Audit Attorney promptly.
Your Defense Attorney will Assist You with Your Nursing Facilities
As a nursing executive, owner or administrator, then for sure you have a complicated and such a busy life, do you? You are continually working, variably looking new ways to develop the level of care you extend to your residents and continually negotiating with the mountain of paper works that come along under the Medicare’s stringent regulations with the operation. An outside auditor is the last thing you need to begin asking questions. Unluckily, within the elder care and nursing home sector and also throughout the healthcare industry, the providers are progressively finding themselves. They are being examined by the government and the Zone Program Integrity Contractors or ZPICs, some contracted auditors such as Medicare Administrative Contractors or MACs and the Recovery Audit Contractors or RACs. These contractors get paid to dig up conflicts or disagreement between what is permissible under the Medicare billing regulations and the nursing home’s billing practices. They will bring to big lengths to look something error even when there is nothing at all.
The Federal Government’s ZPIC Audit Program
Having the potential to start to the compensation request, the federal investigations, the Medicare reimbursement denials and the nursing homes will be experiencing these particular audits that need to take their position very seriously. The ZPIC audit program came about through achievement of the Medicare Modernization Act in 2003. They supervised the Centers for Medical Services and Medicare to utilize a fee-for-service reform program outlined to combat extensive Medicare billing issues throughout the healthcare industry. Entering into the government contracts with the Zone Program Integrity Contractors is included as well as the private companies that receive taxpayer dollars to aim the providers doubtful of Medicare fraud and improper billing practices.
Countering to A ZPIC Audit
You need to act fast in order to ensure that only an appropriate trained employee will discuss your nursing home business and close the communication right away with the ZPIC, if anyone within your management has been contacted by one of the representatives of the ZPIC. It is also strongly advised for you to seek for your legal representative as soon as possible. A well-experienced healthcare attorney will be able to guide your staff and negotiate with the ZPIC auditors on your behalf.