Proactive Approach of Nursing Homes to Defend ZPIC Audits

The ZPIC Audits can reveal nursing homes to compensation requests, federal prosecutions and denial of future Medicare payments that can bring you to criminal penalties and civil fines. If you are handling a nursing home and has been contacted by a ZPIC, it is necessary for you to seek for a ZPIC Audit Attorney promptly.

Your Defense Attorney will Assist You with Your Nursing Facilities 

As a nursing executive, owner or administrator, then for sure you have a complicated and such a busy life, do you? You are continually working, variably looking new ways to develop the level of care you extend to your residents and continually negotiating with the mountain of paper works that come along under the Medicare’s stringent regulations with the operation. An outside auditor is the last thing you need to begin asking questions. Unluckily, within the elder care and nursing home sector and also throughout the healthcare industry, the providers are progressively finding themselves. They are being examined by the government and the Zone Program Integrity Contractors or ZPICs, some contracted auditors such as Medicare Administrative Contractors or MACs and the Recovery Audit Contractors or RACs. These contractors get paid to dig up conflicts or disagreement between what is permissible under the Medicare billing regulations and the nursing home’s billing practices. They will bring to big lengths to look something error even when there is nothing at all.

The Federal Government’s ZPIC Audit Program

Having the potential to start to the compensation request, the federal investigations, the Medicare reimbursement denials and the nursing homes will be experiencing these particular audits that need to take their position very seriously. The ZPIC audit program came about through achievement of the Medicare Modernization Act in 2003. They supervised the Centers for Medical Services and Medicare to utilize a fee-for-service reform program outlined to combat extensive Medicare billing issues throughout the healthcare industry. Entering into the government contracts with the Zone Program Integrity Contractors is included as well as the private companies that receive taxpayer dollars to aim the providers doubtful of Medicare fraud and improper billing practices.

Countering to A ZPIC Audit

You need to act fast in order to ensure that only an appropriate trained employee will discuss your nursing home business and close the communication right away with the ZPIC, if anyone within your management has been contacted by one of the representatives of the ZPIC. It is also strongly advised for you to seek for your legal representative as soon as possible. A well-experienced healthcare attorney will be able to guide your staff and negotiate with the ZPIC auditors on your behalf.


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What You Need To Know About ZPIC Audits

The Medicare Program is the national program created to ensure the elder and the disabled. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services are the one responsible to administer the said program. CMS is under the supervision of the Department of Health and Human Services. CMS contracts private companies to administer the Medicare Program.

            Based on the type of work to be performed under the contract, there is a variety of contracts that the CMS provides.

  • ZPICs are contracted by CMS to identify and put a stop to potential fraud.
  • (MACs) Medicare Administrative Contractor administers the Medicare Program.
  • (CERTs) Comprehensive Error Rate Testing Contractors are the ones calculating the Medicare Fee-for-Service improper payment using statistically valid random samples or SVRS.
  • (RACs) Recovery Audit Program Contractors are responsible for straightening improper Medicare payments which are made on a claim for health services provided to the beneficiaries.

Primary Role of ZPICs.

Audits are being performed by MACs, CERTs, and RACs. They are focused on identifying potential errors and take necessary actions in the form of collecting overpayments. However, ZPICs is more powerful compared to the other contractors.  ZPICs primary role is to identify cases of potential fraud, develop it, then take immediate action to ensure the security of the Medicare Trust Fund.

ZPICs are authorized by the CMS to perform analysis of data and medical reviews. They are also allowed to initiate deeper actions like payment suspension or worse, be referred to law enforcement for further investigation for possible civil or criminal prosecution. ZPIC usually do on-site visits for the purpose of an interview with any staff on the provider’s’ location. Then they will request medical records for them to review.

7 Jurisdictional ZPIC zones in the United States.           

These zones are under the watch of the ZPIC in the United States and its territories.

  • Safeguard Services (Zone 1) California, Hawaii, and Nevada
  • Advance Med (Zone 2) Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming
  • Cahaba (Zone 3) Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, and Ohio
  • Health Integrity (Zone 4) Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas
  • Advance Med (Zone 5) Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia
  • Safeguard Services (Zone 6) Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington D.C.
  • Safeguard Services (Zone 7) Florida

What Providers Need To Know?

When anyone from your staff is contacted by a ZPIC representative, there are some important things that you need to know. Don’t just give out any important information. Educate yourself and your staff before the inevitable happens. Here are some pointers that any provider should know.

  • ZPICs are not authorized by CMS to conduct provider outreach and education
  • ZPICs are not allowed to perform medical reviews for non-benefit integrity purposes
  • ZPICs perform an audit only for the purpose of identifying possible fraudulent activities to be referred to the law enforcement.
  • ZPICs needs to refer suspected fraud cases directly to HHS Office of Inspector General
  • ZPICs can refer the case to the FBI if the provider is suspected of fraudulent billing on both Medicare and Medicaid; to the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
  • ZPIC can notify the state licensing agency if the provider is suspected of licensing issues

You need to understand the issues that are important to the law enforcement which makes it also important to the ZPICs. Take the necessary steps to make sure that they are compliant with the requisite rules and regulations so that a ZPIC audit will not lead to severe consequences.


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The drug test every pot user dreads

Office work can be boring and stressful which is why your boss wants to add more stress by having a random drug test, and not just any drug test, a hair follicle drug test. Nothing spells paranoid at the office quite like a hair follicle drug test. Why you may ask? Urine drug tests can easily be tricked by using different methods but a hair follicle drug test may prove to be a bit more difficult.

Unlike a urinalysis wherein you have a lot of options to choose from, a hair follicle test is like the last resort of any lab and is dreaded by every marijuana user since without the right technique, it’s nearly impossible to pass it, but of course, due to the diligence and determination of some people, passing a hair folicle drug test can be done.

Dissecting the process

The lab gets a piece of your hair, around 1.5 in from the follicle and discards the remaining length. They use this hair sample to test not THC but a metabolite of it, THC-COOH. If you’re wondering as to up to what extent can they find out about your pot smoking habits with that 1.5 inch strand, the lab can actually detect a lot, up to 90 days in fact, yes, the lab can detect whether you’ve smoked pot within a 3 month period. Any lab that’s telling you that they can detect up to a year’s worth of marijuana usage is just telling you that to make you more paranoid than you already are, better wipe that sweat running down your forehead.

passing a hair folicle drug test

Home remedies?

There are a few home remedies you might try such as bleaching the hair and dyeing it and then repeating the process for up to 5 or 6 times and what you will end up with is damaged hair, but the THC is still there. You can also detox and sweat it out all you want but the THC’s not coming off your hair follicle any time soon. You may lose a few pounds while you’re at it but the THC won’t move an inch 1.5 inches to be exact. In short, there are no tested and proven effective home remedies that can help you get out of failing the hair follicle drug test.

The only solution

There is only one recorded, tested and proven way that will help you get to keep your day job, and that is the Macujo method. With a success rate of around 90% for every pothead who has tried it, being the 10% were probably too high to fully understand the process, it involves mixing a few chemicals and rinsing your hair over and over and over with it for up to 7 days to fully get rid of the THC in the hair follicle.

Basically the hair follicle drug test is the big daddy of all drug tests. Even just mentioning it strikes fear into the regular marijuana user, seemingly impossible to pass as well without the help of the Macujo Method.

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Think Before You Consume Drug

 There are a number of people in this world who consume drugs. The consumption of drugs can become dangerous when it is consumed more than the limited amount. A limited consumption of some specific drug is prescribed as medicines. The addiction of drug is obviously injurious for your health. The addiction of drug can be also dangerous for your profession. It may resist you to do a job or to lead a normal life. You may have heard of some drug test that most of the companies are performing now. These drugs tests are performed for the candidates who are approaching for the vacancy in a company. The companies usually perform hair drug test for weed before accepting the candidate as an employee.

passing a hair folicle drug test

 Weed is a very dangerous drug. You may also know this drug as marijuana. The effect of this drugs stays for a long time. This is the only drug that leaves its effect for this much of time. The most bad thing through which the people of the world is going through is the addiction of drugs. Mostly the young stars are getting addicted with various drugs. To reduce the rate of drug addiction the various companies of the world are performing these drug tests before getting the job.

  If you have consumed weed already and you are worrying about the hair drug test for weed. Then these remedies may help you to get passed. You may try the chemicals remedies that are very common in the market. You may find some hair treatments that are specially meant for reducing the effect of drug from your hair. You may also use the shampoos that claim to reduce the effect of drugs from your hair. You may also try home remedies like washing your hair with vinegar and detergent. The choice is yours.

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Technique VS gears or technique AND gears

 When shooting a video, whether for an indie film, a music video, a wedding video or for personal reasons, no matter how high end your gear and equipment may be, without the right video production techniques, it still wouldn’t look quite as good as a video shot with little to no resources but has technique in it.

Techniques are important in shooting a video, there are rules as well and in order for you to deviate from these rules, you first need to know and understand them. Shooting a video with a high end camera will definitely look a lot better when certain techniques are utilized as compared to just plain shooting without knowing what to really do.

Learning the basics

The basics of video production is just as important as having gear, you can never fully utilize the potential of your gear if you don’t know the basics. Framing and composition is one of the basic techniques which are very important in any scene, be it a video or a picture. Framing and composition of a scene will either make it appealing to the eyes or make it an eyesore. If ever you are in doubt about framing, you can always go back to using the rule of thirds wherein your subject occupies 1/3 of the frame.

Helpful techniques are helpful

There is also some techniques off-camera that can be very helpful in terms of saving time (and memory space) when shooting a video. It is always important to know the shots you need before even starting a video, while you might already have a few shots in mind, it can be more helpful to you if you write it down on paper since you might forget it. A storyboard is very useful on the day of the shoot since all the scenes are already there as well as the frame, the camera angles and the duration of the scene as well so you won’t need to do a million retakes of a certain scene until you are finally satisfied. Planning ahead of time can definitely be a real time saver.

All in all, the gears you might have won’t really matter much if you don’t have the technique to partner it with, since technique will always win over gears no matter how high end they may be. Knowing the different techniques when shooting a video will definitely complement the gears that you have and will make for a very promising and high quality output.


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Spirinity Productions:  Entertainment Production at its Finest!

Are you looking for the best people to shoot and make a video for you? Anyone can do that. With a camera or a smartphone, seems like almost everyone has access to these. But are they the best when it comes to quality? You would want someone who knows what they’re doing to do the job on your first music video, right?

Spirinity Productions is an entertainment production company which specializes in video production Los Angeles, California. They have a team of creative and professional people that can help you with anything that involves music videos, TV shows, short films, and a lot more. They are the right people for this jobs. Come and check out what they can offer you!

 Spirinity Productions.

    In 2014, Spirinity Productions was founded by Spencer Evans. Spencer Evans’ goal was to bring to life stories that can both inspire and entertain a lot of people. Since then, Spirinity Productions has become a full-fledged company that can work with anything. Budget is not an issue. The team can be flexible when it comes to expenses.

    The Spirinity Productions team that can make everything possible is composed of:

  • Producers
  • Directors
  • Writers
  • Directors of Photography
  • Editors
  • Sound Engineers
  • Gaffers
  • Photographers
  • Hair and Makeup artists
  • Wardrobe Specialists
  • Art Designers
  • Prop Managers
  • Script Supervisors
  • Production Assistants
  • Craft Service Specialists
  • Talent
  • Casting Editors
  • Reporters
  • Marketing experts
  • Composers

    Now with the number of professional people in this list, who would doubt that they can do anything? Everything you need, they can provide.

Services Offered.

            The team can accept projects in all shapes and sizes. There’s nothing that they can’t do. From creating music videos, short films, TV shows, commercials, infomercials, documentaries, red carpets, interviews, BTS or Behind the Scenes videos, photoshoots, and so much more. Anything that involves a camera, Spirinity Productions won’t say no to that.

The Process.

    The Process is very crucial in a production company. With Spirinity Productions, it involves three levels:

  • The pre-production involves getting started on your goals. You will communicate with the team and collaborate to create an outstanding production plan.
  • The production level will bring your vision to life. The production should right-fit your project. The team is well-equipped to do a lot of research and use high-quality gears to achieve the best product as much as possible. This is where you sit back and relax while they find the best location and bring your collaborative story to life.
  • The Post-production. In this level, all the final adjustments are being made. The team of editors will work overtime before the edited final product is approved. Once approved, your final product will be presented to you.

No need to bother your family and friends just to help you get through with this project. Spirinity Productions can help you with anything that you need. You don’t have to worry about anything since you will just have to sit back and relax, they have you covered from start to finish.


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