Ultimate Features Of CardioCare ECG Service

The CardioCare 2000 is indeed a 12-channel rested ECG that is commercially priced and does not sacrifice efficiency. The CardioCare ECG service is planned for optimum simplicity of use and comfort and is ideal and used in family medicine, ER, or hospital use. The ECG information can be transmitted immediately to the fax throughout the second region for review through the modulation interface.


  • Quick Easy Acquisition
  • Enhanced rate of sampling for relevant data
  • Data control of patients in view
  • BMS plus provides caregivers with versatility in the workflow

Enhancements to CardioCare:

  • The CardioCare 2000 Bionet

Obtains ten complete seconds of ECG data simultaneous from 10 results in a precise 12-channel evaluation print! Company’s full 4-year guarantee. Comes loaded with patient connection and accessories for manufacturers

  • About 80 interpretation forms

To help your treatment, a high concentration on the specialized Minnesota Code is given. Daily security patches extend the interpretation formulas with

  • The 2000 CardioCare

In 1, 3, 6, including 12 channel sizes, it will generate full-size photocopies. Fully loaded printouts increase readability and make life simpler for the medical chart to be filed. You can create ECG copies from any of the perceptions associated with the convenient Copy key.

  • Connection to software for PCs

Via LAN, EKG-Plus II. EKG-Plus II shows on-screen actual ECG results, performs a full range of measurements automatically and provides diagnostic support. Moreover, by printing a range of detailed reports on regular printer/copier paper, EKG-Plus II will eliminate any need for expensive thermal paper.

The Bionet CardioCare ECG service with 12 stream acquisition is convenient to use at affordable prices for EKG. The CardioCare 2000 is a 12-channel rested ECG that is commercially priced and does not sacrifice efficiency. The CardioCare 2000 is optimized for optimum ease of use and comfort for use in family practice, ER, or hospital usage.

By Michael