top rated coffee makers

If you are a coffee lover, you should probably know the incomparable feeling of having a nice cup of freshly brewed coffee after you wake up in the morning. In fact, it is not that hard to treat yourself every morning with a cup of coffee since there are tons of coffee makers available these days in the market, and when it comes to home coffee makers, there are a lot of varieties to choose from, you can either buy anything from the simplest coffee maker can do to a coffee maker that has its own artificial intelligence that has tons of features along with other clever additions that makes your coffee experience memorable and fun.

The questions are, do you really need all of that features? A lot of coffee lovers only want to brew their coffee and it always boils down to its simplicity and function and get the best bargain possible, or you just need maybe, a few of features minus all the ones that are not that needed. Whatever the case, we decided to list down some helpful tips in buying your very own home coffee maker to help you make the best decision in buying the best single cup coffee maker and figure out what do you need and what do you want for your precious coffee maker.

top rated coffee makers

  • MAKE A RUNDOWN- You should proactively make a rundown when you come across a coffee maker in a department store, online shopping website, or in a coffee shop which sells coffee makers. You should look for this equipment when making a run down. These are the coffee maker itself, the pot, the switch, and the plug of the device. That is the simplest coffee maker while the most extravagant one always comes with many features which are often used in coffee shops. A lot of these features always come in handy and makes your coffee drinking experience a bit average while the other varieties are often ignored or neglected by most owners except those who are too obsessed with their device.
  • BREWING SCHEDULE- One of the most helpful features in a coffee maker is its scheduled brewing. This is widely available in many coffee makers in the market and most basic features you can find in a reliable coffee maker. Scheduled brewing gives you convenience, all you need to do is fill the coffee maker with your favorite coffee grounds and water and you can set a specific time of the day for brewing. You are free from the hassle of brewing your coffee manually, it will automatically brew coffee itself in your preferred schedule and time of the day.
  • FRESHNESS TIMER- The most important part of drinking coffee is determining its freshness. Who wants to drink a bland tasting coffee that was brewed the night before? Nobody right? You should look for a coffee maker that has a freshness timer feature. Although this feature is usually found in high-end coffee makers, it is still a very important feature if you want to drink coffee. The timer of this coffee maker will give you the track of the timeline of the brewed coffee to give you an idea if it is still fresh or not.
  • GOOD FILTRATION- Filtration is also a very important aspect in brewing coffee because this is where the brewed coffee granules and the coffee is separated completely, giving you nothing but the purest coffee extracted from the ground granules. Filtration system nowadays is very advanced that it also filters impurities from the water before it is used for brewing, if you are very intricate with your coffee drinking activity, then it is a viable option for you.

By Michael